05242021 Preparing for the first batch of COVID-19 Vaccination roll-out for Priority Group A2, our senior citizens!
For May 25, 2021, based on the draw lots conducted during the meeting with the OSCA Federation last May 20, 2021, the profiled and listed senior citizens from BARANGAY NALSIAN and BARANGAY NAGSAING will be the first batch to be given their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Please coordinate with your respective OSCA Barangay Presidents and do not forget to bring your I.Ds, and wear your face mask and face shield. Please come on the time indicated in your appointment slips to avoid crowding and to maintain social distancing. See you tomorrow!
Our Health Office will announce the date for the succeeding batches of barangays as the supply of vaccines arrive. Please see your OSCA Barangay Presidents, they were all given the list of eligible and profiled senior citizens in your barangay. If you are not in the list, please register at your Barangay Health Station, to your midwife or NDP in charge for you to be enlisted and profiled for your inclusion in the second round of vaccination activities for senior citizens. Thank you…